Update 1 (11.35pm) :
Movie starts off with a Good Ravanabrahma episode. Archana Along with balayya...
Update 2 (11.45pm) :
First Song "Mitra Mitra..." Start with Sheela.
Update 3 (11.50pm) :
Brahmanandam trademark's Comedy episode Follow..
Update 4 (11.55pm) :
Ali The Robo Enters the scene..
Update 5 (12.00am) :
Major Jayasimha's Story was told to Balayya the actor. Now 2nd song "Komaram bheem"
Update 6 (12.10am) :
Komaram Bheem Song was best part of the 1st half till now...
Update 7 (12.20am) :
Murali Mohan Narrates 'Jayasimha' to balayya!
Update 8 (12.30am) :
Jayasimha offers to marry amisha who was kidnapped for a few days. "Arjuna Phalguna..." song starts with amisha patel!
Update 9 (12.35am) :
Court scene.. Dailogues a bit over the top... still manageble
Update 10 (12.40am) :
Dailogue: "Nannu Kodithe chavali... Nenu Kottina chavali" . Robo Comedy is being used a side track for comic relife!
Update 11 (12.50am) :
First half is over with an alive jayasimha introduced balayya. Overall a average first half with komaram bheem song being the highlight.
Update 12 (1.00am) :
2nd Half starts with Flash back episode. abdul ghani is a terrorist.
Update 13 (1.10am) :
jayasimha on a mission to catch abdul ghani. movie slowed down a little bit now.
Update 14 (1.15am) :
Neha Dupiya enters a scene
Update 15 (1.20am) :
Nagineedu is on mission PM. mean while a song starts with neha.."mey kya karoo..."
Update 16 (1.30am) :
A conpiracy is hatched on jayasimha it looks like... Neha the baddy!
Update 17 (1.35am) :
Now, Mr.Jayasimha has to prove him self. "Jayahe... jayahe..." song started
Update 18 (1.45am) :
The House is silent! The movie slowed down and went back off the track its seems...Booring second half as of now...
Update 19 (1.50am) :
Flash back ends..Balayya instantly like the real story and accepts to play jayasimha. Robo comedy is back.
Update 20 (2.00am) :
Robo comedy is revealed and the movie is heading towards climax.
Update 21 (2.05am) :
Last song starts...
Update 22 (2.15am) :
Balayya enters as jayasimha
Update 23 (2.25am) :
Climax episode starts.. Murali mohan's simha dailogue was good...
Update 24 (2.30am) :
Court scene starts. Dailogues were good.
Update 25 (2.35am) :
The movie is over and the film ends on a dull note. Nothing the much in the film expect for an average 1st half with robo coemdy being good. The 2nd half is the spoiler here. Over all the Average fick for fans and not so great for neutrals.